Buying a home is an exciting prospect! Don’t let a beautiful exterior stop you from investigating further into the health of your prospective purchase, though. The truth is that a fresh coat of paint and new appliances could potentially be covering up serious issues. Issues that could cost you a large sum of money in the not too distant future. When considering whether to buy a property or not, first look for these key issues.
The Electrical System
The modern demand we put on our electrical systems can become a hazard if working off an older electrical setup. Specifically, it can become a fire hazard. Additionally, it is likely that it simply will not be able to keep up with the demand. Resulting in flickering lights and frequent breaker trips. Updating the wiring in an entire house can end up costing you up to $20,000. So definitely make sure you know the age and condition of the home’s electrical system before making an offer.
The Plumbing
Experiencing an unforeseen plumbing issue can be a nightmare. It can result in major repairs and replacements that can cost you anywhere from $25,000-$50,000. That is why identifying the presence of previous plumbing issues such as, sagging floors and ceiling water stains, as well as potential plumbing issues such as cracked pipes, is important.
The Roof
Depending on the size of the home, a new roof can run you $10,000-$30,000. That is a lot of money to spend, especially if you were not prepared to spend it. That is why the roof is another area you should factor in before buying a home. As you are walking the property, keep an eye out for signs of dry rot, as well as crumbling or missing shingles. Ask the owner the age of the roof. A well-maintained roof can last around 30 years.
All these areas can cost you a lot of money if not in good repair. The easiest way to get to know the health of a home is to have a home inspection completed. The inspector will educate you on existing problems as well as problems to keep an eye out for in the future. If a major issue is detected, you can use this knowledge to A) decide against purchasing or B) negotiate with the seller.
A home inspection truly provides you with critical information. Contact Strouse Home Inspections today to schedule an appointment!
By Strouse Home Inspections 6-9-2021