Insects are a common problem for those with wood-framed homes, yards, and gardens. There are a few species of insects that can cause significant damage to your property, including carpenter ants, beetles, and termites. Being able to identify wood destroying pests can help save you from irreparable damage. But being able to avoid purchasing a property with obvious signs of these pests can save you thousands of dollars. Just another reason why having a home inspection done before you purchase a property is important. Still, you cannot prevent everything. That is why we want to share with you some of the most common wood destroying insects that you can encounter so that you can take immediate action once you notice them.
Watch For These Wood-Destroying Insects
1. Termites
Termites are a common destructive species of insect. They’re such a complex problem to get rid of because they can be spread throughout the property in seconds using their wings to fly. They like to live in areas that have close-knit wood and cellulose, and they prefer areas where there is moisture.
2. Wood borers
Wood borers are not especially common, but they can be quite a problem. Wood borers love to live in moist environments and are also capable of accessing your home through cracks that may exist around doors and windows.
3. Carpenter ants
Carpenter ants are particularly destructive and one of the most common types of wood destroying insects. They’re known for their enormous size. They can grow to an inch long, and their ability to construct chambers that serve as nests.
4. Carpenter bees
Carpenter bees resemble bumblebees, and their sting can be excruciating. They love to make nests in tree holes and to create holes in wooden elements on the exterior of your home. They cause frustration by remaining in structural voids where there is little available ventilation.
5. Bark beetles
Bark beetles are sometimes called wood-boring beetles. They’re a species of beetle that burrows into the wood so that it can lay its eggs. They’re attracted to damp wood which is susceptible to rotting and can cause damage quickly. They’re considered a pest since they destroy property and the trees on which they nest.
If You See Signs of Wood-Destroying Insects
If you’re noticing signs of wood-destroying insects that you believe are threatening your property, the best thing to do is contact a pest control professional.
By Strouse Home Inspections 5-6-2022